Alphabetical directory by last name
Use the following alphabetical links to jump to their corresponding sections of the directory.
- Colin Abernethy (Chemistry)
- Julie Abraham (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)
- Samuel Abrams (Politics)
- Kameron Ackerman (French)
- Paige Ackerson-Kiely (MFA Writing Program)
- Gillian Adler (Literature)
- Ron Afzal (Religion)
- Hamid Al-Saadi (Music)
- Tea Alagic (MFA Theatre Program, Theatre)
- Glenn Alexander (Music)
- Jonathan Alexandratos (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Andrew Algire (Music)
- Lindsey Alico (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Bruce Alphenaar (Mathematics)
- Kathleen Amschoff (MFA Theatre Program)
- Abraham Anderson (Philosophy)
- Chris Anderson (Music)
- William Anderson (Music)
- Emily Anhalt (Classics, Greek (Ancient), Latin, Literature)
- Yoshimi Arai (Japanese)
- Neil Arditi (Literature)
- Brandon Arroyo (Film History)
- Masanori Asahara (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Nicole Asquith (French)
- Komal Bajaj (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Blair Baker (Theatre)
- Damani Baker (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Jen Baker (Music)
- Liv Baker (Biology)
- Yevgeniya Baras (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Sophie Barbasch (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Carl Barenboim (Psychology, MA Child Development Program)
- Deanna Barenboim (Anthropology, MA Child Development Program, Psychology)
- Samantha Barrick
- Itziar Barrio (MFA Theatre Program, Theatre)
- Jerusha Beckerman (MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Katie Bell (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Roy Ben-Shai (Philosophy)
- Alissa Bennett (MFA Writing Program)
- Bruce Berg
- Michelle Bina (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Claudia Bitrán (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Emily Bloom (Literature)
- Tei Blow (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Bridget Bohannon (MA Health Advocacy Program)
- Kirsten Brown (Music)
- Zara Brown (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Joseph Buckley (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Melvin Jules Bukiet (Writing)
- Genesis Báez (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Scott Calvin (Physics)
- Cashel Campbell (MS Dance/Movement Therapy Program)
- Lorayne Carbon (Psychology, MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Barbara Caress
- Caylynn Carls (MS Human Genetics Program)
- David Castriota (Art History)
- Mallory Catlett (MFA Theatre Program, Theatre)
- Janet Charleston (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Eileen Ka-May Cheng (History)
- Kim Christensen (Economics)
- Elizabeth Chuang
- Una Chung (Literature)
- Lisa Clair (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Julia Clark (Japanese)
- Richard C. Clark (Psychology)
- Heather Cleary (Spanish, Literature)
- Shamus Clisset (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Jasmine Cohen (MS Dance/Movement Therapy Program)
- Kevin Confoy (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Matthew Cooper (German)
- Michael Cramer (Film History)
- Drew E. Cressman (Biology)
- Timothy Cryan (Theatre)
- Emily Cullen-Dunn (MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Sayantani DasGupta
- Claire Davis (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Stephen Tyler Davis (Theatre)
- Cat Dawson (Art History)
- Mario de la Cruz (MA Health Advocacy Program)
- Cora de Leon
- Brooke Delehoy (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Lauren DeLeon (Theatre)
- Darcie Dennigan (MFA Writing Program)
- Jay Deshpande (MFA Writing Program)
- Alessandra Di Croce (Art History)
- Ellen Di Giovanni (French)
- Mary Dillard (History)
- Sarah DiMaggio (Philosophy)
- Beth Ann Ditkoff (Biology)
- Natalia Dizenko (Russian)
- Jerrilynn Dodds (Art History)
- Roland Dollinger (German, Literature)
- Danielle Dorvil (Spanish)
- Charlotte L. Doyle (Psychology, MA Child Development Program)
- Heather Drastal (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Amalle Dublon (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)
- Scott Duce (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Glenn Dynner (Religion)
- Jason Earle (French, Literature)
- Matthew Ellis (History)
- Brian Emery (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Sadah Espii Proctor (Theatre)
- Tom Evans (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Yuval Eytan (Philosophy)
- Emily Fairey (Classics, Latin, Greek (Ancient))
- Margarita Fajardo (History)
- Christine Farrell (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Kayla Farrish (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Kim Ferguson (Psychology, MA Child Development Program, MA Health Advocacy Program, MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Angela Ferraiolo (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Patricio Ferrari (MFA Writing Program)
- Carolyn Ferrell (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Sammy Floyd (Psychology, MA Child Development Program)
- Emma Forrester (Psychology, MS Ed Art of Teaching Program, MA Child Development Program)
- Emily Foster (Literature)
- Griffith Foulk (Religion)
- Blair Fowlkes Childs (Art History)
- Candice Franklin (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Melissa Frazier (Russian, Literature)
- Merideth Frey (Physics)
- Marek Fuchs (Writing)
- Izumi Funayama (Japanese)
- Katie Gallagher (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Makalina Gallagher (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Ana Garcia (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Suzanne Gardinier (Writing)
- Ximena Garnica (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Katie Garth (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Beth Georges (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Farrah Gilani (MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Beth Gill (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Graeme Gillis (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Sara Gilvary (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Emily Goldberg (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Myla Goldberg (MFA Writing Program)
- Myra Goldberg (Writing)
- Martin Goldray (Music)
- Jonathan González (MFA Dance Program)
- Peggy Gould (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Robert Gould (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Wendell Gray II (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Maggie Greenwald (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Marybec Griffin (MA Health Advocacy Program)
- Erum Hadi (History)
- Garth Risk Hallberg (MFA Writing Program)
- Sarah Hamill (Art History)
- Catherine Handy
- Patricia Hanley (MA Child Development Program)
- Heather Harpham (MFA Writing Program)
- William Hartland (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Matthea Harvey (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Abbie Heffelfinger
- Thomas Heise
- Mark Helias (Music)
- Ann Heppermann (Writing)
- Laura Hercher (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Luisa Laura Heredia (Public Policy)
- Mitchell Herrmann (Art History)
- Michelle Hersh (Biology)
- Abbe Herzig (Mathematics)
- Niko Higgins (Music)
- Leana Hirschfeld-Kroen (Film History)
- Kyle Hittmeier (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- James Hoch (Writing)
- David Hollander (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Lucas Hollifield (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Suzanne R. Hoover (MFA Writing Program)
- James Horowitz (Literature)
- Jesse Horst (History)
- Marie Howe (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Andrew Hubatsek (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Meghan Jablonski (Psychology, MS Human Genetics Program, MA Child Development Program, Practicum)
- John Jasperse (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- James Jeter (Music)
- Modesto Flako Jimenez (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Rebecca O. Johnson
- Elizabeth Johnston (Psychology, MA Child Development Program)
- Denisha Jones (MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Jian Jung (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Judy Kagel (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Jean Kahler
- Kenneth G. Karol
- Dawn Kasper (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Aysegul Kayagil (Sociology)
- Sibyl Kempson (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Julia Kennedy (Psychology)
- Dana Khromov (Spanish)
- Jennifer Kidwell (MFA Theatre Program)
- Yeong Ran Kim (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)
- Daniel King (Mathematics)
- Chris Klippenstein (Literature)
- Timothy Kreider (MFA Writing Program)
- Jamie Krenn (Psychology)
- Violet Kupersmith (MFA Writing Program)
- Eduardo Lago (Spanish, Literature)
- Kevin Landdeck (Asian Studies, History)
- Allen Lang (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Rattawut Lapcharoensap (MFA Writing Program, Writing)
- Robert LaRue (Literature)
- Joseph Lauinger (Literature)
- Catie Leasca (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Sean Leo (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Andrea Lerner (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Andrea Lerner (Dance)
- Billy Lester (Music)
- Eric Leveau (French, Literature)
- Beth Levison (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Linwood J. Lewis (Psychology, MS Ed Art of Teaching Program, MA Health Advocacy Program, MA Child Development Program)
- Judi Lewis Ockler (Theatre)
- An Li (Economics)
- Izzy Lockhart (Literature)
- Kelly Long (MS Dance/Movement Therapy Program)
- Karintha Lowe (History)
- Sara Lyons (MFA Theatre Program)
- Jazmín López (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Greg MacPherson (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Thomas Mandel (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- K. Lorrel Manning (Theatre, MFA Writing Program, Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts, MFA Theatre Program)
- Caden Manson (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Adil Mansoor (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Rona Naomi Mark (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- James Marshall (Computer Science)
- Matthew Mastromatteo
- Juliana F. May (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Moneé Mayes (Theatre)
- Daniel McCarthy (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)
- Jeffrey McDaniel (Writing)
- Isle McElroy (MFA Writing Program)
- William D. McRee (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Aixa Rosario Medina (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Jodi Melnick (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Lynn Melnick (Writing)
- Lincoln Michel (MFA Writing Program)
- Roberta Michel (Music)
- Chelsea Miller (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Nicolaus Mills (Literature)
- Nike Mizelle (German)
- Terry Mizrahi
- Lucy Mookerjee (Literature)
- Katherine Moos
- Katherine Morales Lugo (Anthropology)
- Madeleine Mori (MFA Writing Program)
- Bill Moring (Music)
- Bari Mort (Music)
- Brian Morton (Writing)
- April Reynolds Mosolino (Writing)
- Jamee Moudud (Economics)
- Patrick Muchmore (Music)
- Joshua Muldavin (Geography)
- Nicole Mulet (MS Dance/Movement Therapy Program)
- Parthiban Muniandy (Sociology)
- Marcella Murray (Theatre)
- Frederick Nagel (MA Health Advocacy Program)
- Richie Narvaez (MFA Writing Program)
- Adam Negrin (Biology)
- Ellen Neskar (Asian Studies)
- David Neumann (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Philipp Nielsen (History)
- Chessy Normile (Writing)
- Julie Novas
- Jennifer Nugent (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Dennis Nurkse (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Geoffrey Nutter (MFA Writing Program)
- John O’Connor (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Stephen O’Connor (Writing)
- Ege Okal (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Philip Ording (Mathematics)
- Magdalena Ornstein-Sloan (Psychology)
- Marygrace O’Shea (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Roger Osorio (Practicum)
- Clifford Owens (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Yekaterina Oziashvili (Politics)
- Lydia Paradiso (Biology)
- Galen Pardee (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Ross Parker (Mathematics)
- David Peritz (Politics)
- Ethan Philbrick (MFA Theatre Program)
- Julia Phillips (MFA Writing Program)
- Mary Phillips (Music)
- Gina Philogene (Psychology)
- Kevin Pilkington (Writing)
- Sandie Pisieczko (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Nicolette Polek (Writing)
- Jessica Poling (Sociology)
- Karen Porter
- Mary A. Porter (Anthropology)
- Glenn Potter-Takata (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Liz Prince (Theatre, Dance, MFA Theatre Program)
- Ben Pryor (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Cindy Puccio (MA Child Development Program, Psychology, MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Maia Pujara (Psychology)
- Ryan Purcell (History)
- Ben Purkert (MFA Writing Program)
- Sarah Racz (Physics)
- Jeremy Randall (Film History)
- Victoria Redel (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Cara Reeser (Dance, Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Nelly Reifler (MFA Writing Program, Writing)
- Lauren Reinhard (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Erika Renkes (MS Human Genetics Program)
- Elise Risher (MS Dance/Movement Therapy Program)
- Nelson Rodriguez (Practicum)
- Elias Rodriques (Literature)
- Cat Rodríguez (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Patrick Romano
- Tristana Rorandelli (Italian, Literature)
- Nick Roseboro (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Andrew Rosenthal (Politics)
- Bernice Rosenzweig (Environmental Science)
- Shahnaz Rouse (Sociology)
- Domenica Ruta (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- David Ryan (MFA Writing Program)
- Misael Sanchez (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Kristin Zahra Sands (Religion)
- Cassandra Santos (MS Ed Art of Teaching Program)
- Nyoman Saptanyana (Music)
- Radhika Sawh
- Brandon Schechter (History)
- Judd Schechtman (Environmental Studies)
- Mark J. Schlesinger
- Carsten Schmidt (Music)
- Daniel Schmidt (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Susan Caitlin Scranton (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Rakia Seaborn (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Shelley Senter (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Vijay Seshadri (Writing)
- Mark R. Shulman (History)
- Scott Shushan (Philosophy)
- Noah Shuster (Economics)
- Ariel Sibert (MFA Theatre Program)
- Andrew Siedenburg (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Michael Siff (Computer Science)
- Lake Simons (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Kanwal Singh (Physics)
- Lyde Cullen Sizer (History)
- EmmaGrace Skove-Epes (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Jacob Slichter (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Chandler Klang Smith (MFA Writing Program, Writing)
- Patrick Smith (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Fredric Smoler (Literature)
- Charles Snyder (Philosophy)
- Alice Sola Kim (MFA Writing Program)
- George Southcombe (History, Literature)
- Marion Lorrain Spencer (Theatre)
- Stuart Spencer (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Joshua Stamos (Biology)
- Robin Starbuck (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Joel Sternfeld (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Stew Stewart (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Rachelle Sussman Rumph (History)
- Sterling Swann (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Joel Swanson (Religion)
- Philip Swoboda (History)
- Meredith Talusan (MFA Writing Program)
- Annemarie Tamis-Nasello (Italian)
- Pamela Tanenbaum
- N’tifafa Tete-Rosenthal (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Mia Theodoratus (Music)
- Joseph Earl Thomas (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Storm Thomas (Theatre)
- Clifford Thompson (Writing, MFA Writing Program)
- Melisa Tien (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Momoyo Torimitsu (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Cecilia Phillips Toro (Biology)
- Alice Truax (Writing)
- Ogemdi Ude (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Lois Uttley (MA Health Advocacy Program)
- Nicholas Utzig (Literature)
- Neelam Vaswani (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Larissa Velez-Jackson (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- R. A. Villanueva (MFA Writing Program)
- Seth Watter (Film History)
- Afaa Weaver (MFA Writing Program)
- Heidi Weiss
- Elvia Wilk (MFA Writing Program)
- Megan Williams (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Marion Wilson (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Matthew Wilson (Music)
- Heather Winters (Filmmaking and Moving Image Arts)
- Komozi Woodard (History)
- Roni Yamane (MS Human Genetics Program)
- John Yannelli (Music)
- Netta Yerushalmy
- Mali Yin (Chemistry)
- Jessie Young (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Thomas Young (Music)
- Kate Zambreno (Writing)
- Hannah Zaves-Greene (Religion)
- Benjamin Zender (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies)
- Francine Zerfas (Theatre, MFA Theatre Program)
- Sherry Zhang (Dance, MFA Dance Program)
- Susan Ziegler (Visual and Studio Arts)
- Carol Zoref (Writing)
- Carrie Zoubul
- Elke Zuern (Politics)